I’ve added Talking Points Memo to the list at right. Particularly good coverage at the moment of the Swift Boat Veterans for ‘Truth’ excitement, as the site tries to keep up with the number of people lying about it.
I’ve added Talking Points Memo to the list at right. Particularly good coverage at the moment of the Swift Boat Veterans for ‘Truth’ excitement, as the site tries to keep up with the number of people lying about it.
Here’s a couple of things for you to get your underwear in a bunch about:
Archy points out that Bush thinks sovereignty is something you are given, rather than an innate right.
Michael Bérubé highlights the fact that Bush claims to have served in the Air Force, though that’s not what the Air Force thinks (also via Digby.
The GB Men’s coxless four (yes, more rowing talk) has taken gold in the Olympics, by the startling margin of 0.08 seconds. Here’s an inspiring quote from Matthew Pinsent, who has now won gold in the last four Olympics, on how the difficulties they’ve had in the run-up to the games affected his aims:
“I have rowed so badly as not to have deserved a medal, I have rowed myself and the crew into a tired and dejected position where winning was impossible, but gone out to try to win a silver?
“No. Never.”