
There’s an interesting discussion at The Dawn Treader about the idea that freedom requires religion (and vice versa), as suggested by Mitt Romney recently. To paraphrase my argument and that of others, at first blush it’s a statement that makes you think ‘yes!’ or ‘no!’ depending on your leanings. But a little more thought shows that it’s an empty, vacuous statement, because it assumes a definition of freedom without providing one. While it’s easy to think you know what freedom is, when you try to pin it down sufficiently to discuss it you find there’s no consistent ‘there’ there.

Generation Gap

AmericaBlog has a post about the difference in attitude between Baby Boomers and those who come after them. Rather than the traditional whine about the youth of today lacking commitment, it points out that employers aren’t willing to offer the assurances those heading toward retirement have enjoyed, so why should we offer them loyalty in return.

Whether conscious or not, society consists of bargains struck. X give up Y to get the assurance of Z, where X = pensioners or motorists or children, and both Y and Z are generally money or the things that money can buy. One of the assumptions inherent in these trade-offs is that my group is OK with other groups getting theirs, so long as we get ours. I don’t mind paying health insurance when I don’t really need it to keep your premiums, for example, but in due course someone will do the same for me.

This system can break down when one group doesn’t want to help another out, though in most cases a mixture of numbers and inertia prevents this from holding sway for long. The bigger threat is when a group gets so big that its desires can overwhelm those of smaller groups, but it isn’t big enough that its largesse can handle the needs of lesser collections. That could be the case with Baby Boomers in the next 20 years (until their numbers start to dwindle); the worries that they have over their futures could translate into demands that set unsustainable expectations for future generations, winning them the distinction of being the real ‘me’ generation.

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A Missed Duvet Day

We got a call this morning that my aunt is unwell (nothing serious), so I took the morning to take my uncle to his radiotherapy appointment. I got home in time to have a bite to eat before going to the dentist for a filling. The injection literally felt like an electric shock, which wasn’t a good start, and now I feel like someone hit me in the head with a shovel. And now I have to test third party stock counts.

How’s your day so far?

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