Staff Needed

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It’s true about student nurses.

Chris saw this poster in a window on Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand yesterday morning. I have no doubts Murder Burger will fill all positions quickly, since this sounds like a really cool place to work! Link to Flickr page. Link to large version. -Thanks, Chris!

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McCain camp caught lying about crowd estimates

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Obama has been criticized for something similar, so I guess this is more evidence that there’s not much to choose between the two sides.

They are on the verge of some serious trouble. I have a real sense that the media is fed up with the serial lies coming from the McCain campaign. The thing is, they’re lying because they think the media are patsies and will simply regurgitate whatever lie McCain gives them. And once upon a time, that might have been true. But McCain has now pushed the lies far beyond the exaggerations and half-truths of normal politics. This is new territory McCain has entered, and the media may finally be fed up with it. It’s going to be very interesting to see if Americans care or not about a man who would rather lose his honor than lose an election.

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Palin lied about Iraq visit to "battle zone"

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Being strict I wouldn’t count this as lying. But it’s symptomatic of the McCain campaign’s recognition that her experience is so thin as to be transparent on so many issues. That’s a criticism that can be levelled at Obama, so maybe he should try lying…I mean embellishing – apparently it’s a legitimate tactic.

Good grief, she lies repeatedly about everything. Then again, considering how flimsy her resume is, this is no surprise. Hey, I looked at China from the border in Laos so does that count as a visit to China? I changed planes at the airport in Seoul, so maybe that also counts as a visit according to Palin. I took a bus through Zambia for thirty minutes after rafting down the Zambezi River. Does that bus trip count as “on the ground experience” in Zambia? Does flying over Greenland count? I could see it from the plane window, after all.

Following her selection last month as John McCain’s running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a “military outpost” inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin’s foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone.

But in response to queries about the details of her trip, campaign aides and National Guard officials in Alaska said by telephone yesterday that she did not venture beyond the Kuwait-Iraq border when she visited Khabari Alawazem Crossing, also known as “K-Crossing,” on July 25, 2007.

Asked to clarify where she traveled in Iraq, Palin’s spokeswoman, Maria Comella, confirmed that “She visited a military outpost on the other side of the Kuwait-Iraq border.”

It was the second such clarification in as many weeks of the itinerary of what Palin has called “the trip of a lifetime.” Earlier, the campaign acknowledged that Palin made only a refueling stop in Ireland.

She took a few steps over the border to an outpost and thinks that was a battle zone? Does McCain honesty think this is valid experience for a v.p. candidate? Is he serious when he repeats the “she can see Russia” line? Even with that line, she has never even said that she personally saw Russia, only that it’s possible. What new lie are we going to discover next? When is the media going to quit calling her lies “clarifications” or “stretching the truth” or providing other excuses. A lie is a lie and Palin-McCain can’t stop themselves from lying.

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Romney: McCain Doesn’t Speak For McCain When He Suggests Renegotiating The Colorado River Compact

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We have always been at war with Oceania…

Actually I agree with McCain (what he said, that is, not what Romney says he meant). In fact it’s ridiculous to think otherwise, unless the compact’s authors allowed for all future developments.

romneymccain.jpgLast week, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) walked into a bipartisan wave of condemnation in Colorado when he told the Pueblo Chieftain that the 1922 Colorado River compact, which governs the allocation of the river’s water among seven states, “needs to be renegotiated over time”:

“I don’t think there’s any doubt the major, major issue is water and can be as important as oil. So the compact that is in effect, obviously, needs to be renegotiated over time amongst the interested parties,” McCain said while on his way to the Aspen Institute. “I think that there’s a movement amongst the governors to try, if not, quote, renegotiate, certainly adjust to the new realities of high growth, of greater demands on a scarcer resource.”

Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) called the compact “sacrosanct,” adding that opening it up “would only happen over my dead body.” Senate candidate and former U.S. Rep. Bob Schaffer (R-CO) agreed, telling the Grand Junction Sentinel, “Over my cold, dead, political carcass.” The Denver Post editorialized that McCain “displayed a disturbing ignorance of the realities of the West’s scarce water resources.”

Now, one of McCain’s top surrogates, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is claiming that McCain didn’t mean what he said. Romney told 9News that McCain “has no interest in reopening the compact“:

“Senator McCain has no interest in reopening the compact,” Romney said. “Senator McCain believes as I do that a compact that’s been worked out between the governors and between the states is the right way to go. States are the ones who build these kinds of understandings. The federal government shouldn’t meddle in that compact.

Salazar’s Press Secretary Matt Lee-Ashley responded to Romney’s comments: “Either Senator McCain is so out of touch with Western water issues that he needs the former Massachusetts governor to defend him, or he really has some interest in overhauling the law of the river that has been in place since 1922. Both scenarios are troubling.”

ProgressNowAction has a petition telling McCain to keep his hands off Colorado’s water.

Digg It!

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Newsweek: McCain lied about

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“A McCain-Palin ad has calling Obama’s attacks on Palin “absolutely false” and “misleading.” That’s what we said, but it wasn’t about Obama.”

The McCain campaign is lying? Well I for one am shocked.

So now John McCain is lying about what independent watchdogs have said, or haven’t said, about Barack Obama. McCain just put out an ad claiming that called Obama’s attacks on Palin “completely false”…”misleading.” Only problem? said that quote about someone else, not Obama, and in fact, says Obama’s criticisms of Palin have been accurate. So, John McCain lied, again, to the American people. (CBS caught McCain lying in the same ad about Katie Couric, claiming that she as well criticized Obama – she didn’t.) And he’s going to keep lying until the media stars asking him the larger questions, like what all these lies say about John McCain, the man he’s become, the loss of his maverick image, has McCain reached a point of utter desperation, has Karl Rove totally taken over McCain’s campaign, and is McCain any longer in charge of his campaign? We’ve all known John McCain for decades. So who is this guy running for president in his name? That’s the question the media should be asking. What happened to John McCain?

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