I picked up my new trike last night, and will be building it back up (doesn’t quite fit in the back of my saloon) tonight. I may even squeeze in a little test drive, without using my right knee of course. Here’s a pic:
and here’s a link to the page of a similar machine (spec is a little different I’d guess, but it’s made by the same people in China).
The chief advantage of such a machine is comfort – no strain on shoulders and back, and most of all your arse – and the downside is slightly reduced speed compared to a normal two-wheeler (also known as a DF – diamond frame – or wedgie). Given that I’m not that fast anyway I don’t mind the slowdown, and the point at which it’s most noticeable, uphill, is compensated for by the fact that you can stop when you want without falling over! The guy who sold it to me (at a service station late last night, but it’s legit, honest) said that it’s very easy to go slowly, because it’s so comfy you start daydreaming and taking it easy without noticing. So basically a wheeled couch then; I’ll see if I can rig up a mount for our portable DVD player.