El Platformo del Muerte!

Seriously, this scared the… OK, I can’t find a nice way of saying how much it scared me, but my heart was pounding and my arms and legs went all numb. And that’s just from watching the (safe for work) video. It’s literally unimaginable for me to actually walk this trail.

(HT: Neatorama)

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At the top of Victoria Falls there is a little pool that you can swim in. When I say ‘at the top of the falls’ I mean literally at the top of the falls – go check out the pictures. If you’re anything like me it will make you feel sick (as well as feeling like the father in a couple of the later pictures deserves a kicking).

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Inspired by Andy’s version here’s a map of all the countries I’ve visited (their server is straining under the load, so be patient).

create your own visited country map

I’m cheating slightly – I went to Hong Kong just after reunification, so that bags me a lot of red in China (har har), and I was in Switzerland for about 15 minutes changing trains, but apart from that it’s legit. Have a go and let me know the results.

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I had no idea that there is a place in North America that is French. Euros, overly-voweled language, garlic-encrusted baguettes (probably), the works. The islands of St Pierre and Miquelon were settled by the French back before people of the requisite paleness had laid claim to everything, and perhaps because it’s at the arse-end of nowhere (a very picturesque nowhere, it has to be said) it was never disputed by people who like their cheese like they like their democracy – petro-chemical based.

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