
I’m in a state of mild shock after having a smooth experience with DRM-enabled video (at least I assume it’s DRM ‘protected’). We realized we’d missed an episode of a new show, so fired up Safari (a new version at that), loaded iPlayer, and started watching. And here’s the thing. It worked. No messages about video codecs. No ‘browser not supported’, or OS errors, not even any stuttering. The quality isn’t fantastic, but it’s closer to broadcast than YouTube – certainly watchable on a 32″ LCD.

I have seen the future, and it doesn’t involve plastic. Except to pay for the TV.

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Proof, yet again, that some people are just more talented than you or I. Masi Oka, who plays Hiro on Heroes (and is my favourite character) also works for ILM. Amongst other things he’s (jointly) responsible for the coding that generated the water in the film The Perfect Storm.

Oh, and he’s also a black belt in kendo, is fluent in English, Japanese and Spanish, and is a stallion in bed. OK, so I don’t know that last bit for sure, but it’s probably true.

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My missus was on TV yesterday, as part of her job with the RSPCA. Blink and you’ll miss it though, as they had a real live TV vet to do the talking.

Oh, the link might not work for you if you’re not in the UK, don’t use RealPlayer, or have gods currently frowning upon you. But it will have to do until I figure out how to convert it into a proper format.

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