
I’m currently watching two leopard slugs mating on TV, and I just wanted to say that their todges are enormous! I think donkeys will have to take a back seat in the ‘hung like a’ stakes. Go and look at the pictures on the link, it’s amazing (and pretty much safe for work).

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Listening to a podcast about a bat that has a longer tongue relative to its body size than any other mammal (and only the chameleon beats it in the rest of the animal kingdom). At 8.2 inches, it’s the equivalent of a cat being able to drink milk from a bowl 2 feet away. I feel some sort of joke about ‘popular with the ladies’ is in order.

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End of an Era

The Open University has broadcast its last course-related programme, after 36 years of late-night ‘entertainment’. The OU made programs to supplement printed and other materials to allow adults (including me!) to take part-time degree courses from home (in my case, a masters in computing, or at least half a masters so far).

Here’s a clip to give you an idea, though it doesn’t really get across the full horror of plaid flares, sideburns and foot-wide ties that the OU specialized in. A tradition for insomniacs, drunk students and shift-workers in the days before all-night programming, it’s passing will be sorely mourned.

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