Mythical Man Month

I doubt anyone in the software industry has avoided the Mythical Man Month problem, even if they don’t know it’s called that. This story, via Daring Fireball, has a great punchline/solution:

After failing to win several arguments on this point, the engineers became exasperated and decided to hold an intervention with the CEO. They each bought a copy of Brooks’ book, brought the CEO into a conference room, and stacked up the copies of the book, telling him, It is extremely urgent that you read this book. We’ve bought you many copies so that you might read it faster.

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Recommended Software: Taskbar Shuffle

Taskbar Shuffle is a handy little app that lets you change the order of apps within your taskbar in Windows. If you have to use Windows you might as well make it feel like home, and this is a nice solution to a minor irritation. Downsides are that it’s recommended you turn grouping off (no bad thing really), and a close to 7MB memory footprint (but then how could such a feature-rich app possibly exist in less?)

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Free Lunch

…or, in this case, a free collaborative writing tool. MacZOT are running “BLOGZOT 2.0 on“, the second give-away they’ve run in recent weeks. Basically as blogs link to their promotion MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac software, in the form of a small price reduction for every link (possibly even down to free) to the highly rated SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys.

In their first promotion I scored a free copy of AppZapper, no apparent strings attached, so it all seems to be legit. As I write the price is already down to $7.60 (normally $35), so it’s quite the bargain. And the price has come down by a couple of dollars just while I’ve been typing. Definitely worth a go.

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Firefox Memory Tweak

One of the flaws of Firefox is the amount of memory it can consume. In fairness to the developers this is often the result of extensions rather than the app itself, though there’s plenty of blame to go round (though not enough memory, apparently).

For those of you suffering from this issue temporary relief is available via a custom user setting. The tweak causes the app to save itself to disk when minimized, reducing memory usage to single digit megabytes. I’m guessing that this is the amount needed to keep the app itself in memory, as it comes up quickly enough from minimized that there can’t be much swapping from disk required until you scroll, switch tabs, etc.

The downside is that it’s a temporary fix; once you do anything in the app, even just scrolling , the memory usage goes back up. And it doesn’t change the overall amount of memory used, it just flushes most of the memory footprint to disk. But it does seem to tidy things up a little, and it saves the working memory for as long as it’s minimized at no apparent cost, so why not.

Oh, and it doesn’t seem to work on OS X. But then you’re using Camino, right?

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Striding boldly…

…into the 21st century, I’m now the proud father of my very own iPod:
[[image:ipod.jpg:A thing of beauty:center:0]]
(the iPod is the one on the right).

Whatever the birthday equivalent of Santa is was very kind to me – it’s perfect for cycling, weighing so little it practically levitates, and stores about 16 hours of music (or about twice as long as I can cycle). Add to that a couple of excellent books and a gift card for the iTunes store, and I am, as the people in the old country might say, “made up”.