I was driving along a few days ago and was reminded how low the standard for driving can be. It was a little foggy, which meant that every third person on the road had switched on their rear fog light. Fog lights are great, but are specifically for conditions where traffic behind you would struggle to see you, not for driving around a well lit village when there’s a little bit of fog. In such conditions they’re actually dangerous, because they’re dazzling and tend to obscure the action of brake lights.
As if this wasn’t enough, I don’t think I took a bend without having to dodge someone who thought that the taxes they paid for roads meant they could use the entire width whenever they needed, and to hell with oncoming traffic. Oh, and if I let you through there’s no need to acknowledge my generosity at all, it’s fine, I’ll go screw myself just as soon as I can.
Anyway, I was getting myself all worked up about the general incompetence around me when I started to think about some of the regular commutes I’ve done over the years. I’ve had 2 or 3 routes I travelled enough that I could recognize a number of my fellow wage-slaves. And without exception they fell into two camps; the huge majority were perfectly fine drivers who might, on very rare occasions, make momentary slips in their driving; a small minority were obvious ass-hats who were weaving in and out of traffic to get to work 11 seconds sooner.
So the next time you see someone make a driving mistake remember that there’s a good chance that it really was just a mistake, not evidence of incompetence, so why not take a deep breath and let it pass? You’ll live longer, so long as the next moron doesn’t get you.
1. Yes, I do consider myself an above-average driver, but only just, and only because the average is so low.
2. None of the above applies if the other driver is so small they can barely see above the steering wheel. Those people are evil and dangerous.