Interesting article from Scott Ritter on the choice of candidates for November.
the sad reality is one of two deeply flawed men, the byproduct of a deeply flawed political system, will serve as president for the next four or eight years
Interesting article from Scott Ritter on the choice of candidates for November.
the sad reality is one of two deeply flawed men, the byproduct of a deeply flawed political system, will serve as president for the next four or eight years
Many on the right will point out examples of hateful behaviour on the left. This isn’t hard to do; there are a great many moronic, disgraceful people on the left who I happily (or unhappily, depending how you look at it) reject. What doesn’t receive so much attention is that the same sort of people exist on the right as well. That’s because being a moronic disgrace is a characteristic of people, not of the left or right.
One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”
McCain’s pretty good at contradicting himself, but now he’s reached new heights with the following:
We can go backwards with job-killing tax hikes, the same old broken partisanship, and out of control spending as Senator Obama would have us do or we can bring real reform to Washington.
Yes, he tells you that partisanship is bad while insulting his opponent in the same sentence. I suppose you could make the sentence shorter (can politicians do that?) but I’d say that’s pretty close to a perfect score.
When being below average is a sign of exceptional talent. Well worth a read, no baseball knowledge required.
Here’s an interesting idea from George Soros. Instead of the current bailout plan, he suggests getting troubled banks to issue enough extra stock to recapitalize them, with the stock being bought by the government. This would restore balance to their accounts (with extra cash on hand they wouldn’t be so extended, and their balance sheets wouldn’t be so dominated by bad loans), punish shareholders who were supposed to be risking something in return for their rewards by diluting the value of their shareholdings, and give the government a concrete investment that is more likely to make it a return in the long run than the current plan.
I’ve no idea if there’s some huge flaw in the argument, beyond the fact that the banks probably won’t like it, but it certainly appears to have merit. Unfortunately it’s from Soros, so the Republicans probably won’t like it either, and right now that’s a bad thing.