Technical hitch

The simplest of posts today. My RSS feed isn’t working properly, giving out incomplete URLs. I can see what the problem is, but have no idea what the solution is. Don’t wait up.


The day after my entry on recumbent bikes I saw three ‘bents on my commute. Fully two thirds of the riders were blessed with ‘bent beards*, in one case of a particularly fulsome nature, and accompanied by a matching ‘bent belly. Given that the rider without the beard was female, I’d say that’s a pretty high hit rate.

*’Bent beard – tendency for recumbent cyclists to develop luxuriant, often gray, beards. Some speculate that the reduced wind resistance afforded by ‘bents causes less abrasion to the hair ends, allowing for a fuller, more splendid growth.

Scotty and Me

James Doohan, the actor who played Star Trek’s Scotty, has died In reading the story I learned that we had something in common; like the average person we have/had less than 10 fingers. There are a couple of small differences; I’m missing the tip of my right index finger, whereas he was missing his right middle finger; and he lost his on Juno beach during D-Day, while I lost mine sitting on the step outside the toilet. But there’s a connection there, even so.

The Question

From CNN:

President Bush has named former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson to help shepherd his yet-to-be named Supreme Court nominee through the Senate…

Thompson, a Republican and actor on the NBC television series “Law & Order,” agreed to accept the post in a telephone conversation with the president on Monday.

. And so the obvious question: Does Bush realize that Thompson isn’t really a lawyer, he only plays one on TV?

I know, I know, I’m just kidding.