From our respected President:
“There’s a trade deficit. That’s easy to resolve: People can buy more United States products if they’re worried about the trade deficit.”
He’s right, of course. Kinda.
For those of you who doubted that I would pull the trigger and drop the cash….[[image:imac.jpg:Picture of a beautiful baby 17″ Superdrive-equipped iMac:center:0]]The cash is dropped, the trigger pulled, and she is mine.
I am complete.
It’s OK, just time for a bit of a change. Not everything works yet, and I may well change some colo(u)rs, so please stand by.
I’ve added Talking Points Memo to the list at right. Particularly good coverage at the moment of the Swift Boat Veterans for ‘Truth’ excitement, as the site tries to keep up with the number of people lying about it.