Please do not adjust your picture, what you are seeing is perfectly normal. I get tired of the claret and blue colo(u)r scheme, so thought I’d make a change. Isn’t CSS great? Perhaps a couple or tweaks to follow.
Please do not adjust your picture, what you are seeing is perfectly normal. I get tired of the claret and blue colo(u)r scheme, so thought I’d make a change. Isn’t CSS great? Perhaps a couple or tweaks to follow.
I’ve added a linkdump to the list of features over there ->
I often find sites that I want to share, but about which I don’t have anything interesting to say beyond, “gee, check this out, cool eh?”. So now I have a special place to put them. Tired, “so, like, yesterday” links will drop off the end, as we all do in time.
I’m still tweaking away at the site layout. If you have any suggestions please let me know, be it layout, features or even the colour scheme. I have to admit that dusty pink colour (OK Andy, “claret”, whatever) is starting to grate on me. The only thing not open to change is how I choose to spell colour.
I have three more gmail addresses to give out. Two of these go to Nick and Tom. If your name isn’t Nick or Tom, but you’d like the remaining invite, mail me or comment and if you pass the “I’ve heard of you” test you’re in.
I only recently started to use titles for my posts, and have decided that it’s fun to use song titles (or corruptions thereof) for some of them. As part of the American trend of bringing assisted-thinking to the populace, I’ll add in a small link whenever I do this in the future. I thought I’d start by using a totally unrelated title for this post, just because it’s the only song I know to use William Shatner in a romantic context. Interestingly all the lyrics sites I checked have the same spelling mistake for this song.