Return to the Navel

Amazing how time ambles by, and you circle back to something you’d totally forgotten. I was reading about the Guardian’s Best of British Blogging awards, and thought I’d like to restart this effort to organize some thoughts. Not that I’d expect to win an award, or even have a reader. But I have that dull middle-class urge to write, and this way at least I won’t inflict it on my wife.

Oh, and looking back on previous entries, I promise to cut back on the number of exclamation marks. I can be such a giddy schoolgirl sometimes. I guess.

First Post

I have been keeping a blog of Lauren’s Life at, and there are times when I wanted to say something that wasn’t about her, but didn’t want to wander off. So I now have my own blog. It’s mainly intended to be a store of notes for myself, but it’s a public site. If you’ve wandered here inexplicably, feel free to read what may not make sense to you or I. And if you feel the need to speak to me, my email address is an unmangled version of paul (at) parwich (dot) net.