
I was out all day yesterday learning how to use a Hippotizer. It’s a machine/software combination used to control video displays at concerts, plays, TV events etc. It allows you to place filters on the video, combine sources, and route them to different displays including LED boards.

It’s an impressively clever bit of technology, but what struck me most is that almost all of the clever is hidden. The app has very few arbitrary limits on it; a lot of software stops you doing certain things for perfectly good technical reasons, but from the user’s point of view there’s no obvious reason why not. The Hippotizer doesn’t really have that; it works with a certain number of inputs and outputs, but apart from that if you can think of a way to manipulate the tools it provides it will probably let you.

The second key feature is the amount of work it can do. Recent versions can handle multiple HD feeds, applying filters to each one and to the master output. That’s a huge amount of data to be slinging around, yet it manages it while keeping lag down to just one or 2 frames (they’re currently working on a feature that isn’t yet fast enough, because it lags by 5 frames, or around 1/5th of a second – too slow). And if that’s not enough, you can network multiple units together.

Oh, in case you’re wondering, I’m not on commission.

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Super Sized Guilty Pleasures

I’m watching the film Super Size Me, and they’re talking about the massive drinks you can get from fast food joints and the 7-11. In general I didn’t indulge in such things, primarily because I have a bladder the size of a walnut, but one of my small treasured memories of the US is driving to South Dakota in the summer. It was hot and bright, a day that director’s show with overexposed film and distant horizons. Stopping at a gas station I picked up a vast bucket of diet coke, enough that the cup could hardly hold together, and filled with a positively un-British amount of ice. Well worth the next 3 pitstops.

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Back Online

After a pleasant but too-short Christmas I’m back to blogging. Things of substance will begin tomorrow, so for now I’ll just share my new year resolutions. I’m currently laid up with a bad knee, which to go with my long-standing hip problem (get it – long-standing, hip…) means exercise is difficult. In fact the only properly aerobic activity available to me is swimming, and oh how I hate swimming. So I’ve been doing some reading about the aerobic training effects of weight training, and in combination with a punch bag I think I can cut back on the swimming to a tolerable level without backsliding.

My resolutions, then, are to get somewhat closer to a beach body (and believe me, I have pretty lax standards for such things so it should be achievable), including an unspecified-to-you loss of weight and a daily total of 30 press-ups (I’m way short of that at the moment). Perhaps my biggest resolution, however, is to generate more calm; two little kids who are reaching the age where they fall out as much as they play well tends to ratchet up the volume for all, which helps none.

Progress report, if I remember, once the beach opens.

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A Missed Duvet Day

We got a call this morning that my aunt is unwell (nothing serious), so I took the morning to take my uncle to his radiotherapy appointment. I got home in time to have a bite to eat before going to the dentist for a filling. The injection literally felt like an electric shock, which wasn’t a good start, and now I feel like someone hit me in the head with a shovel. And now I have to test third party stock counts.

How’s your day so far?

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You know that surprise you get when you sit on a toilet when the seat’s up? Please say you do, don’t leave me hanging here. OK, I’ll assume you’re nodding now. Well for the first time in my life I found out that it’s every bit as surprising when the lid is down.

That is all.

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