No, not a prostate cancer test, but a Public Service Announcement. For those readers in the US and elsewhere who may have read this and been puzzled…well, go and read it first, I don’t want to spoil it.

Back? OK, that word is a reference to a lady’s front bottom. Funny, eh? For advanced naughtiness, now you should be able to work out why the seemingly innocent name Mary Hinge is very amusing to a baser kind of person, such as me.

President and Country Betrayed

Harriet Miers has withdrawn from consideration for the Supreme Court. President Bush has previously praised her roundly, saying that she is “the best person I could find” and that she would be an outstanding Justice. We are now condemned to an inferior justice. Her withdrawal is a clear betrayel of the President, and indeed of all of us. She, and the conservative base that seems to have forced her out, should be ashamed.

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Dead wrong

The Beeb is reporting on moves by some British politicians to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to declare whether they block access to child pornography. Here’s Labour MP Margaret Moran on the issue:

“For every day and every week that we delay making sure that these images are not relayed, there are more children being abused.”

Ms Moran is, of course, absolutely right. And I can think of no area where action is more justified than that of child porn. But putting the burden on ISPs is a distraction from taking real action. If the sites are not known, then blocking them is extremely difficult and has unintended side-effects. And if they’re known they should be taken down, which would be the responsibility of, oh look, Ms Moran’s party. Please pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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When cycling in cold weather I find a snood to be extremely useful. I’m sure there’s a more manly name for this essential piece of kit, but I know it only as a snood. While googling for more information I came across this. I am currently revising my understanding of the word bizarre.

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Jingle bells, jingle bells…

Dateline: )ctober 25th. Target is selling Christmas (sorry, ‘Holiday’) CDs. Please join me in a sorry shake of the head, while reading this tangentially related article from the Grauniad. Though please ignore the nonsense about half of kids aged 4 not knowing their names; what, they only respond to “Oy you!”?

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