Following a phone call at 8:40 this morning I have a job interview this afternoon (I’ve been unemployed since 5pm yesterday, so I guess it’s time to get back in the saddle). I’m rather nervous, not just because it’s an interview (it’s been a while since I had one, but I’m generally OK with them), but because the company:
- develops a (profitable) open source app (hence enthusiastic, large-brained people)…
- that is highly technical (it’s a developer tool, which makes it something of a mystery to me)…
- and they’ve already rejected a number of people (so clearly have strong ideas of what they’re looking for)
So today’s schedule involves finding and ironing a tie and shirt (and possibly my suit), going to the barber (haven’t had a hair cut in at least a year) and reading reading reading.
By the way, don’t be too nervous for me – I’m a generally optimistic person, so when I say that I don’t think I’ll get the job it’s not because I doubt myself, I just doubt that this will work out.