Release Day

I can finally share what I’ve been working on since I joined SpringSource. I won’t try to explain it in detail, because half of you will glaze over immediately, but basically it’s an application platform that allows convenient deployment of OSGi Java apps using Spring software. See, I told you.

For those of you who’ve gone “ooh”, here’s the product page.

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First Day

Just got back from my first day at the new job. Much as I’d expected, there’s lots to learn; I’m testing a back-end kind of application (sorry, did I just get too technical?), which means that just about everything you’re doing is either totally invisible to the user, or is just part of the magic that happens that gets the data they’re interested in to display. That means that testing is harder because you can’t just press the buttons, and harder because the functionality is aimed at developers (one of which I am not).

On the upside I am now the proud carer for a top of the range black MacBook and a 23″ Cinema Display. I also have a Mighty Mouse, but one day with that was enough for me to run to ASDA for a Trust wireless ergonomic one (£6.50, and as good as the Microsoft version that I previously favoured).

Must rest now, brain hurts.

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New Job

OK, now that the contract is signed I don’t think I can bring down the wrath of any deity with my boastful nature (c.f. the New England Patriots). In a couple of weeks I’ll be working for SpringSource, chief committers of the Spring Framework for Java (and .NET, I learned with some surprise).

The team seem really nice, as well as being wicked smart (end Boston accent). The work environment looks good, there’s a gym on site so I’ll be able to shower once I can cycle-commute again (16 miles each way, so may take a while to work up to it), and the job itself is about as cool as QA can get (take that for what it’s worth!). In the meantime I have some time to finish off the bathroom renovation, then move on to a kitchen renovation. Lucky me.

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Following a phone call at 8:40 this morning I have a job interview this afternoon (I’ve been unemployed since 5pm yesterday, so I guess it’s time to get back in the saddle). I’m rather nervous, not just because it’s an interview (it’s been a while since I had one, but I’m generally OK with them), but because the company:

  • develops a (profitable) open source app (hence enthusiastic, large-brained people)…
  • that is highly technical (it’s a developer tool, which makes it something of a mystery to me)…
  • and they’ve already rejected a number of people (so clearly have strong ideas of what they’re looking for)

So today’s schedule involves finding and ironing a tie and shirt (and possibly my suit), going to the barber (haven’t had a hair cut in at least a year) and reading reading reading.

By the way, don’t be too nervous for me – I’m a generally optimistic person, so when I say that I don’t think I’ll get the job it’s not because I doubt myself, I just doubt that this will work out.

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